At my 9th times of keep coming back to Cebu, finally I got chances to walk around and visit the historical places of Cebu.
Larsian is one of Cebu's most prominent eating havens. Located at the uptown area near Fuente Osmeña and Chong Hua Hospital, it is also the capital area of Sampaguita sellers in Cebu.
I really love eating at Larsian not just because of a cheap price of Barbeque but also the sense of smell that could be the reason out for you to go back. Most of Cebuano are loved to eat full that is why restaurant that offers eat-all-you-can are exist and one of those are West Gorordo Family Choice Restaurant and Tongs Restaurant.

Cebu has so riches in history that makes us Filipino brave and strong.
Magellan Cross history tells that this is the very site where Ferdinand Magellan, the Portuguese conquestador and maritime explorer who served under the Spanish crown planted the cross in April 21,1521. The cross depicted the introduction of Christianity to the country and its people.

I feel so blessed when I got to visit the Magellan Cross because you can just found this at inside the patio of Basilica Minore del Santo Niño which is the oldest Roman Catholic Church the original stone texture and natural color from 1735 is still retained.

A few walks around I visited as well the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral Church its also one of important part of the history… (Click the link)
So in the end of this of my 9th visit I almost complete my walking around of the important historical places of Cebu. But it will not be completed if I didn't go to buy a Danggit for pasalubong at Tabo-An public market near downtown in addition Cebu is one of the most massive and pungent dried fish markets in the South

Hhhhmmmm…. How about wishing for the next time in the Tourist hot spot of Cebu.
Larsian is one of Cebu's most prominent eating havens. Located at the uptown area near Fuente Osmeña and Chong Hua Hospital, it is also the capital area of Sampaguita sellers in Cebu.

Magellan Cross history tells that this is the very site where Ferdinand Magellan, the Portuguese conquestador and maritime explorer who served under the Spanish crown planted the cross in April 21,1521. The cross depicted the introduction of Christianity to the country and its people.

So in the end of this of my 9th visit I almost complete my walking around of the important historical places of Cebu. But it will not be completed if I didn't go to buy a Danggit for pasalubong at Tabo-An public market near downtown in addition Cebu is one of the most massive and pungent dried fish markets in the South

credit cards
keep it up!
Great great great!
ingat =D
Ingat =D
Anyway, you've been to Cebu again, waah... next time I will go there too. I am so much jealous of you, you've been to almost all parts of the PI... I am going to explore America first, haha!
Still on my one month vacation here in Midwest America. Check my updates yo, and leave your comments as usual, wink wink***