"Summer Time!" when we say summer time of course the first things that coming up from our mind is the word swimming plus vacation right??....
Photo by: Islandcode
Hmm.. Seem that everyone of us really love to go in swimming in the beach or in a pool, but maybe other people are taking less care in their health from any possibilities that we might get from heat of the sun.
So here the things that I think we must all know of how we're gonna enjoy and be protected our family health from any diseases while exposing our skin from the sun.
This video that I watched from GMA7 is I found out very helpful for us...

Hmm.. Seem that everyone of us really love to go in swimming in the beach or in a pool, but maybe other people are taking less care in their health from any possibilities that we might get from heat of the sun.
So here the things that I think we must all know of how we're gonna enjoy and be protected our family health from any diseases while exposing our skin from the sun.
This video that I watched from GMA7 is I found out very helpful for us...
By the way, please change my site from The Asian Traveler to An Asian Traveler. I lost my custom domain. I have now my new web address http://www.anasiantraveler.com . I’m still in the process of modifying my blog. Thank you.
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