It was a year ago now when I came here in abroad and still hoping my life could be in success someday. And still fresh on my memories of how I could adopt a new nature of living here in Saudi Arabia which has huge different kind of living in my country Philippines.
So, my first encounter is food.. hhmmm.. kind a interesting! it was lunch time when my new colleagues "Kababayan" brought me in a local restaurant near where I'm residing. He told - to experience Saudi, first I must taste the food "Kapsa" - a local Arabic food which combined with rice and chicken plus a Arabic seasoning that giving kapsa a different aroma. While bonding up with fellow new friends Kababayan, eating together in a single table and share with the Kapsa, are the best time to taste Arabic food.

Though we must adopt the new nature in abroad life for me it's not that easy to forget our own culture where we came from. So during on my first dinner I went and tasted a made in abroad Filipino food here in small mall in Al-Khobar and I realized even we are far in our country it doesn't mean you don't have any ways or options to feel and still get closer in Philippine culture. As a year now of experience here in abroad I can say that "Pinoy's are never being out of the list wherever we go."
Though we must adopt the new nature in abroad life for me it's not that easy to forget our own culture where we came from. So during on my first dinner I went and tasted a made in abroad Filipino food here in small mall in Al-Khobar and I realized even we are far in our country it doesn't mean you don't have any ways or options to feel and still get closer in Philippine culture. As a year now of experience here in abroad I can say that "Pinoy's are never being out of the list wherever we go."