Hooray! This is my first post in this blog site and I am glad that my interest in blogging is just got back. Yes!
Now, last month I just renewed my driving license here in KSA after it expire in 5years, So I found out to myself that it is very helpful to share my experience to my fellow Expats on how to renew their expiring driver license especially for those my Kababayan non-arabic speaking or knowledgeable.
1st step on how to process your expire driving license is you need to register first yourself on moi.gov.sa (ministry of interior-Absher) by visiting any MOI-Kiosk located on this link: (here) to update your personal profile using fingerprint and after that you will received a SMS text with the details of your user/password login to the website (user name is your iqama no.).
2nd step is login to the moi.gov.sa using the user/password from SMS txt and after that you must see a photo of you on your profile indicating you have successfully register and updated your account and afer that you can proceed to eServices-Traffic-Renew Driving License Please see the snapshot below:

After clicking Renew Driving License the 2nd photo is will appear on your page reminding the following:

Welcome to Renew Driving license e-service. This service allows you to renew Private driving license and Motorcycle driving license.
Applicant should fulfill following conditions to Renew Driving license :
When you click next you have to click Renew Private Driving License and select how many years?
Now, last month I just renewed my driving license here in KSA after it expire in 5years, So I found out to myself that it is very helpful to share my experience to my fellow Expats on how to renew their expiring driver license especially for those my Kababayan non-arabic speaking or knowledgeable.
1st step on how to process your expire driving license is you need to register first yourself on moi.gov.sa (ministry of interior-Absher) by visiting any MOI-Kiosk located on this link: (here) to update your personal profile using fingerprint and after that you will received a SMS text with the details of your user/password login to the website (user name is your iqama no.).
2nd step is login to the moi.gov.sa using the user/password from SMS txt and after that you must see a photo of you on your profile indicating you have successfully register and updated your account and afer that you can proceed to eServices-Traffic-Renew Driving License Please see the snapshot below:

After clicking Renew Driving License the 2nd photo is will appear on your page reminding the following:

Welcome to Renew Driving license e-service. This service allows you to renew Private driving license and Motorcycle driving license.
Applicant should fulfill following conditions to Renew Driving license :
- Applicant should have fingerprint and photo in MOI system
- Payment of renewal and/or delay fee, if any
- Payment of all traffic violation, if any
- Existing driving license should be valid for less than 180 days
- The applicant should be alive
- Applicant Should pass the following medical test
- Body health Test
- Mental Health Test
- Eye test
- To view list of approved medical centers, Click here.
When you click next you have to click Renew Private Driving License and select how many years?
The pricing of Numbers of years is 2 years = 80sr / 5 years = 200sr / 10 years = 400sr
which you can pay through Online Banking - SADAD payment. (see below details)
After you decide how many years of driving license to expire when you click next they will remind you with this detail: "Only licenses with expiry date less than 180 days are eligible for renewal"
Note: Since I have just renewed my driving license, I was not able to click the next step.
3rd step Before continuing the procedure through online renewal, first is you need to pay online through SADAD payment. See sample snapshot below through SABB online banking:
4th step you have to visit any MOI registered clinic to finish your Medical test for driving license. Don't worry it is just a blood and Eye test and then the clinic will forward the result to MOI but take note the check-up is not cover by medical insurance so you must pay 100sr.
Upon my experience when I went to Olaya Polyclinic here in Riyadh, they gave me also a driving registration form for renewal but it is written in arabic and you have to fill it up with arabic langauge too but if you don't like that kind of process you may continue your online processing through MOI website. (you may ask some help for your any of your Arab colleague or friends for this procedure.)
Note: It is better to bring your passport because the clinic need's your sponsored ID no. which is in the passport visa page.
5th step once your requirements is ready, you may proceed to Muroor Office (Traffic Police Station) by bringing this following:
a. Registration Form with 2x2 photos (white background)
b. Medical test from the Clinic
c. Copy of your Passport
d. Copy of your Iqama
e. Old Driving license (which is the expired one)
f. Print copy of payment receipt through online
from my experience it is very hard to do this processing if you are not knowledgeable to communicate in arabic and it's happened to me. So what I did is to keep asking somebody else on the police station because in police station there is many department and you have find the correct department and give your requirements or otherwise there is fixer outside the police station and they are willing to help you in exchange of 200sr.
I went to Exit 6 Muroor Station (Police Station) here in Riyadh and the department for Driving license renewal is in beside of the building near the stair and there, their is a hallway going inside the department and just give your all requirement to the Police officer and in after 5-10minutes you will get you new driving license. Other Muroor Station that you can visit is in Malaz and Naseriyah.
Please see below the maps for exit 6 Muroor-Traffic Police Station and Malaz Police Station:
or something. I feel that you could do with some p.c.
to pressure the message home a little bit, however other than that, that is great blog.
A fantastic read. I will definitely be back.