Roaming around at Tahlia Street, Olaya, Riyadh

One of the advantages living in the city is plenty to do and see, many shopping malls, restaurant and other establishments especially here in Riyadh at Tahlia Street, Olaya.

Tahlia Street was also known as Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Road in Olaya is one of the busiest streets here in Riyadh, a famous and important place for many Saudis, a place for shopping street, fashion, and restaurants.  Tahlia is a commercial street and often destination of soccer fans, who drive up and down waving club scarfs and sounding their car horns to celebrate a victory.  It is also considered as the wealthiest street in the city because of luxury cars that very common to see during at night most especially on weekends.

So since I am into biking, last week Friday morning I got a chance to roam around at Tahlia street and see how this such a good place as well for biking and some walking exercise.

I hope you will enjoy the video below and leave some comments.

Location Map:
